FieldTech Zoho Electrical Estimating Software

electrical estimating software

Mobile electrical bidding software for Zoho helps you deliver quotes quickly and painlessly

When you work in the electrical installation or service business – like any field service company – you’re expected to uphold certain business standards.  Those include scheduling appointments with minimal hassle to your customers, and delivering quotes for any work done as soon as possible.  For many, that means delivering those quotes immediately, sometimes even collecting signatures via mobile device.  Unfortunately, many electrical installers simply do not have the system required to deliver estimates quickly–and for that reason, their business suffers.

However, you shouldn’t have to lose any more sleep over business slowing on account of your quote delivery process.

Working in the electrical installation business is nothing to sneeze at.  You already take great care to ensure your work adheres to any code, and that your employees are adequately trained to do their jobs, which can be quite dangerous. You deserve software commensurate with the kind of business you run.

electrical estimating software

To that end, FieldTech provides an answer to the question of how to deliver job estimates to your customers easily: electrical estimating software.  And, you can use these mobile-ready electrical estimating apps more easily than you might think.

Features of the FieldTech electrical bidding software

  • Create quotes and calculate estimates directly from any mobile device
  • Quote configurator included for working with customizable job materials
  • Good/Better/Best scenario quoting capability
  • Calculates quotes based on labor and materials needed for a job
  • Instant digital signature collection
  • Quote approvals
  • Built on Zoho Creator; integrates with other FieldTech ERP apps, and standard Zoho apps like Zoho CRM, Zoho Books, and Zoho Desk

How the software works

In order to understand how this electrical estimating software helps, it’s important to see it in the context of your business processes.  For example, we have an old, proven way of assembling quotes–and a new way, powered by FieldTech.

electrical estimating software

The old way–proven, but slow

  1. The technician arrives at a prospect’s location and records everything needed to compile an estimate on paper.
  2. After returning to the office, he plugs all the numbers into a spreadsheet – or waits for someone else to do that for him.
  3. He emails a quote to his prospect, or has to coordinate a time to meet over the phone to review the quote.
    • Enough time has probably passed that the prospect might be a little colder than they might have been during the in-person visit.
  4. If all goes well, the prospect signs electronically (via computer).
    • If your quoting software can’t accommodate electronic signatures, the prospect has to print off a copy, sign it, scan it, and email it back to you.
  5. The project is scheduled.

The speedbumps are twofold here: Slow quote calculation, and potentially slow signature gathering.  Regardless of how quick your turnaround is from information gathering to quote delivery, even a slight delay kills your momentum.

electrical estimating software

The new way–powered by FieldTech CPQ estimating software

  1. The technician arrives at a prospect’s location and records everything needed to compile an estimate on a mobile device.  This device not only keeps the information but makes calculations on the spot.
  2. At the end of the appointment, the technician shows the quote to the prospect and offers it for digital signature right away.
  3. The project is scheduled.

In this method, there are no speedbumps at all in delivering your electrical service estimate.  The quoting software calculates the value of the estimate immediately, and allows the prospect to sign off on the work right away.  This, in turn, quickens your turnaround time significantly.

FieldTech: Part of a family of business apps

While an electrical service or installation business thrives on its ability to deliver quotes quickly, that isn’t the only thing keeping it afloat.  You have many different facets of your business.  Thankfully, FieldTech software can assist in handling many of those facets.

FieldTech is built on Zoho Creator, so you can customize it heavily depending on need.  You can also integrate it with many other apps, including other Zoho ones.

FieldTech provides apps (and modules of apps) for these different functions:

  1. CPQ Estimating Software
  2. SmartScheduler Job Dispatching
  3. Field Service Work Order Management
    • Time Tracking Module
  4. Inventory Management
    • Material Requirement Planning (MRP)
    • Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)
  5. Production (Manufacturing) Order Management
  6. Fixed Asset Tracking
  7. Job Costing
    • Invoices & Expenses Module
  8. Sales Commission Calculation

Get Started

electrical estimating software

Imagine your business without the worry of losing customers due to long waits for quote delivery.  How much would things improve–not just in that area, but other areas?  It’s all more attainable than you realize.  Why not plan for that success?

Sit down with our consultants and we’ll show you exactly how FieldTech will work in the context of your business processes.


Just use the form below to schedule an introduction.