FieldTech Painting Estimating Software makes painting job estimates easier

When you finish a good painting job, it’s truly a sight to behold.  The property owner, or in some cases the public themselves, all marvel at the job well done.  They see the care that went into doing the job right.  But, they don’t see the hours that went into planning the project, optimizing the set of tasks that went into doing the work, or–at very first–the care it took to give your customer a proper estimate.

Yes, the estimate–perhaps done live on-site–comprises one of the first interactions your customer has with you.  And, frequently, whether or not it goes off smoothly, it sets the tone for the rest of the project.  And, it sounds simple enough, but the reality is your estimating system probably took lots of time to get right.  Just like your finished jobs (from which you get job costing reports), your estimates combine materials and labor, and everything–and every person–has a different cost to use.

painting estimating software

The issues you likely face…

How do you ensure you’re providing your customers a proper quote?  Does your estimating software do the job for you, or do you use a spreadsheet to do the job?

In many cases, painting companies indeed use complicated spreadsheets rather than a painting estimate app–and, it causes lots of undue stress.

But, what if you could put estimates together quickly and easily with the help of properly thought out painting estimating software?  Software that ties in to the rest of your field service software?

With FieldTech, we’ve simplified the job estimating process for your painting jobs and put you back in the driver’s seat.  (That’s whether you do commercial or residential painting work!)  What does this mean?  No more wasting time doing manual calculations on special or unexpected types of projects.  No more losing business because your quote turnaround time was too long.

The average person won’t appreciate what goes into putting together a quote for your painting business to do work.  But, you’re not the average person.  You deserve software that caters to you.  And, your customer will appreciate you all the more when you deliver quotes on time and make their lives seem simpler.

Features of the FieldTech Painting Estimate App

You do a lot of work just to give quotes to your customer.  This software simplifies it all, helping with:

  1. Combining labor and materials to create a bid.
    • We help configure the painting estimating software with your costs or coefficients for any given quoting situation.  That includes your labor costs and materials costs.  The painting business software will produce a detailed bid.
  2. Digital signature collection.
    • Once you’ve produced a quote for a painting job, your customer can approve the quote via digital signature.  The finished quote is then synced directly to your CRM.
  3. Multi-app integration.
    • This estimating software isn’t an island unto itself.  Rather, it connects with many other FieldTech apps for a unified experience, fewer data entry errors, and less stress.
    • Connect with FieldTech’s Work Order Management, Inventory Management, and Job Costing apps.
  4. Native Zoho integration.
    • FieldTech itself uses the Zoho Creator platform, so it connects to many different Zoho apps.
    • The painting estimate app in particular integrates with Zoho CRM, Zoho Sign, and the Zoho Finance suite.

Other situations where this painting estimating software shines:

painting estimating software

  1. Provides multiple quote versions
  2. Provides multiple quotes to a single proposal
  3. Good/Better/Best quote scenarios
  4. Automatic sales tax calculation
  5. Accepts customer deposits
  6. Uses Bill of Materials, as well as Item Kits/Bundles
  7. Gross profit calculation on a quote or bid

How the painting estimating software works in context

  1. Your technicians can log into the FieldTech mobile web app from directly on a job site.  They will then be able to enter any information needed to complete a quote directly on the app.  This includes a type of painting job, materials needed, types of labor needed, or any other coefficient that affects your pricing.  Any of this information can also be defaulted on your quotes, or modified later.
  2. Once your client approves the work via digital signature, the quote goes to your back office.  It can then integrate with the FieldTech Work Orders module for immediate job scheduling.

FieldTech: Just one component in a bigger machine

painting estimating software

Of course, providing a job estimate for your customer is important to getting the ball rolling.  But, it’s far from the entire picture of what you do.  After the quote approval, your company’s responsibilities include job scheduling, work order/project management, procurement of any inventory, and many other tasks.

FieldTech has an answer for them all: a true painting business software system.

FieldTech provides these painting business software apps:

  1. Quote creation
  2. Job scheduling
  3. Work order management, including time tracking
  4. Inventory management, including MRP
  5. Invoice & expense tracking
  6. Equipment & other fixed asset tracking
  7. Job costing
  8. Commission calculation (for sales)

Get started today

Have you imagined what your work life would be like with a streamlined estimating process?  How many of your staff would it help, too?  Time to put those plans to action with true painting business software!

Contact us today using the form below for a free introduction to FieldTech, along with a demo.